matt camera
programmer, designer, writer
in any sense
Hi there. I make things.
My name is Matt & I am a graduate Game Designer & Programmer. I have an enduring passion for crafting engaging and imaginative experiences big and small. Games of all kinds are special to me; I have been playing them for as long as I've been able to comprehend them, and now I make them as well.
Programming and design are my primary specialties, but I am also an artist at heart—much of what I do is in service of a creative vision, be it my own or someone else's. Photography, Music, and 3D Modeling are hobbies of mine. Below you can find a few highlights out of the things I've worked on in the recent past.
I'm currently looking for work in fields of programming, design, and quality assurance!
my box of
Novakid Quest Mod
The Novakid Quest Mod is a mod for the 2016 game Starbound that I worked with a team of five. The mod adds a new mission to the game, complete with a new weapon and special boss fight! I programmed the boss AI and dialogue in Lua and Tiled. I also illustrated 2D art and animation for the boss.
Click the image to see the Steam Workshop page.
apOS is an alternate reality game (ARG) that I created with a friend as a standalone .NET application.
The program is a large interconnected puzzle presented as an in-universe computer terminal. Players work to solve a variety of puzzles within the program to decode audio logs and discover the fate of a marooned space crew. I handled puzzle design and all programming, which was done in C#.
Click the image to download it for yourself!

While taking a course on interactive media development, I remade the classic arcade game Asteroids in Unity. The scripting was done in C# and the visuals in Adobe Illustrator.
Astronomy Sonifier
The Astronomy Sonifier is a rudimentary web application I made inspired by some of NASA's social media posts. It takes images of space (provided courtesy of NASA's APOD API) and produces ominous noises based on the average brightness and color of the image's different regions.
Click the image to try it out.
Yes, seriously, the background! The shapes and colors you see dancing in the background of this website like a lava lamp was part of a pet project using shaders & GLSL.
The background is a distortion pattern made from the image on the left, and was inspired by the wacky battle backgrounds of Shigesato Itoi's EarthBound for the SNES.

The background!
level design samples

BattleBlock Theater
Portal 2

DOOM (2016)